Shelton & Brandi

Hello! We're Brandi & Shelton Koskie. Since 2006 we’ve been one of the many couples on the In Vitro Fertilization journey. We were the first IVF fundraiser blog, and thanks to the generous help of many, in we had our first successful IVF attempt. Nine months later, we had a beautiful girl, Paisley. You’re invited to follow along on our journey from infertility to parenthood.  Learn more

Pregnancy Week 29 / The Kidney Stone Saga

Even if I wanted to write my typical pregnancy week-in-review post, I couldn’t. Because prior to 6 a.m. Wednesday, I have absolutely no recollection of the events that may or may not have taken place. I think my life will be forever known as Pre-Wednesday and Post-Wednesday. We are currently catching our breath in the aftermath of what was the most painful, dramatic and awful week of my entire life. And while statements I make like that can sometimes have a hint of exaggeration, I assure you that that statement is a hard, cold fact.

I was feeling OK this past week. Monday and Tuesday I complained of being a little more tired than normal, even a little queasy and a touch of not feeling well in general. So I took a long nap on Tuesday and generally took it easy and didn’t think too much of it.

Then, it happened. Wednesday morning Shelton left at an absurdly early hour, like 5:30, because he happened to wake up that early and figured he’d go in to catch up on work. I then woke up about 6:15 to go to the bathroom and then catch another two hours or so of sleep before getting up for good. At 6:16, I swear one of two things was going to happen: I was either go to collapse and die right there in our bedroom, or in that same spot in our bedroom I was going to deliver this baby. I couldn’t wrap my brain around the pain that was emanating from my abdomen, that kept me from standing up straight and made it nearly impossible to walk across the room to use the restroom. I made my way back to the bed and tried to lie down, which proved to be even more painful than trying to stand. So I got up on all fours, pushed my head in to a pillow and started bawling. Then I called Shelton and explained that I was in so much pain and he turned the car around and came home.

By 7:30 Shelton was ushering me out the door to go to the hospital, and I was bawling. The pain was like nothing I’d ever felt before, and the thought of having to fold myself into the Maxima for the 20-minute rush-hour drive to the hospital felt like more than I could bear. He called our OB, Dr. W, who advised we go directly to our delivery hospital as he didn’t know what was going on and they’d get in touch with him when they figured it out.

One of the nice things about being pregnant and going to the hospital for an emergency situation is that you get to roll directly passed the ER and right up to the labor and delivery floor. No waiting, no lines, no BS, just instant medical care. The way it should be! So that’s what we did. By the time Shelton wheeled me in to the L&D check-in, I was bawling again and barely able to stay seated in the wheelchair. They asked if I was in labor and I just shook my head and said I hope not.

They quickly put me in a bed and took a urine sample, which looked like watered down Coke, so that raised some concerns (we later learned I had blood in my urine). Then the lengthy process of taking my history and figuring out all my symptoms. A wonderful doctor came in and started interviewing me to assess what was wrong, they ran an IV line as a precaution in case it was something bad, called Dr. W, and I sat there writhing in pain. By 10 a.m. they had determined that it was most likely a kidney stone and I just sat there thinking how is this possible? Do this many bad things happen to one pregnant woman? Apparently, they do!

I was given a shot of morphine in that IV line and instantly felt like someone just wiped away all the pain. I was in la-la land and felt great for the first time that morning. I  was then taken down for a kidney ultrasound, because you can’t have a CT scan when you’re pregnant, which would have given us a much more definitive answer. The sono showed that my ureter (the tube that transfers urine, and kidney stones, from the kidney to the bladder) was not blocked. That’s really all they could see, that and my kidney was swollen. With that, they sent me home with a prescription for percoset, a filter to catch my urine and watch for a stone, instructions to drink about four liters of fluid, and instructions to come back if the pain worsened or any of a number of other symptoms presented themselves.

We returned home and I begged Shelton to stay with me as I was unsure what the day would hold. He filled my prescription and began pumping me full of Powerade and water. When the morphine started to wear off I took one percoset and went to sleep for three hours. I woke around 5:30 p.m., felt OK, but exhausted and got online to check email that I had missed that day. That would be the last calm moment we experienced for 12 hours.

Around 6:00 the pain started to creep back, so Shelton offered half a percoset. I tend to be fairly sensitive to pain medication, and given how well the whole percoset knocked me out earlier, we thought a half would take care of the pain. But we were wrong. More wrong than two people could possibly ever be. Half an hour after that percoset the pain was back in full force. No amount of sitting, laying, standing, walking would relieve it. So another half percoset. Around 7:00 I climbed in to a hot bath, and while relaxing, it didn’t take the edge off the soul-crushing pain. This was followed by another half percoset. At 8:00 Shelton asked if I were hungry, and the only thing I could fathom eating was a smoothie, so he made one, and it took me a million years to drink it in between grunts, groans and moans. Then I took another percoset. Up to two whole percosets by 8:30/9:00, I had maxed out my dosage and the pain was beyond comprehension. Shelton called the doctor back and he instructed us to go back to the hospital, take another morphine shot, and prepare to stay a day or two.

Due to our recent back/forth to the hospital I had an overnight bag already packed. So we tossed the dog into her kennel, the bag in to the car, and I rolled myself, bawling once again, in to the Maxima. We tried to hit the main entrance and take ourselves up to the L&D floor, but the main entrance was locked. Which meant ER. At 10 o’clock at night. Shelton wheeled me in and the woman asked if I were in labor. I explained that I was there earlier, had kidney stones and just needed to get to the fourth floor. Here’s where the long ranty letter to my hospital will begin, because the admissions woman was so rude and told me I basically didn’t know what I was talking about and she’d figure out what to do with me. Mind you, I’m visibly in so much pain I don’t know how I was able to even speak to her.

For FORTY FIVE MINUTES they parked my wheelchair in a hallway in the ER, taking their sweet time filling out paperwork, that had been completed 12 hours earlier. Shelton was pacing and spitting nails he was so mad, I just kept urging him to relax and let them do their jobs. Finally someone from L&D came to collect me and we were then faced with the second bullet item on my long ranty letter to the hospital. I’ve never encountered a ruder, colder more incompetent nurse in my life. For the encore, she was followed by the dumbest, most clueless, sorry excuse of a doctor I’ve ever encountered in my life. All on the night where I would have rather been run over by a dump truck than suffer through five more minutes of what I was feeling.

Again, having been there earlier in the day, and realizing this hospital in the year 2010 relies on paper records and not a single electronic health record, had to capture my entire history yet again by hand. The doctor was asking questions and checking for symptoms that made no sense. TWICE we had to ask him if had called my OB to which he replied “Oh, we’ll get to it.” Maybe you can get to it when I tear your balls off with rusty pliers and you begin to get a sense of what I’m feeling!!! We told them three, four, five times I had been there earlier, Doctor so-and-so had given me morphine, it worked, just give me more morphine now. What did doctor doofus offer? Dinner. It was eleven o’clock at night and he wanted to know if we were hungry. Ef you and your dinner, give me a mother effing shot of morphine NOW or I’m going to jump out of this window because it will feel better!

Finally, Shelton made it very clear what we were there for and they decided to stop waiting to admit me and run an IV line and just give me a regular shot in the butt of morphine. Around midnight. About 2.5 hours after we arrived at the hospital. The morphine took the edge off just enough that I was able to stop crying and lie down in the bed and relax a little, but it by no means had the same effect it had had earlier in the day and the pain was still excruciating.

Shortly thereafter a wheelchair arrived to take me to my new room, where Shelton and I would end up staying another 36 hours. The bed was super comfortable, we had a private room with a bathroom and a nurse so amazing I was devastated when her shift ended six hours later.  They ran the IV line, drew blood and at 2 a.m. delivered a second, doubled dose of morphine. Which again, had little to no effect on the pain. Shelton stood by my bed while I stepped on his toes, clenched his hands, pushed my head as deep into his chest as I could, screamed, and I tried to not think about dying. At 4 a.m. they delivered a third dose of morphine and it still had no effect on the pain.

However, I was able to finally lie down in the bed and doze in and out despite the pain. I think exhaustion had taken over and I was just broken down. Shelton snuck out to tend to the dog at home and missed the single finest moment of the entire night. At 5 a.m. the nurse returned with a shot of dilaudid, a pain medicine they hoped would actually work. She shot it into my IV and within seconds, for the first time in 12 hours, I felt relief. It worked. So well that I slept for a solid 45 minutes without crying or moaning.

Shelton returned around 6 a.m., at this point awake for more than 24 hours, and took a cat nap next to me. At 7 a.m. they returned for another dilaudid shot and shortly thereafter my OB arrived. I can’t even tell you how thrilled I was to see Dr. W. It was like the hell-on-Earth 12 hours had finally come to a close and he was there to tell me I wasn’t going to die. He told me the rest of the day they would give me dilaudid pills, that way I could prepare myself to be able to go home. The rest of the day I was in a druggy haze, moderate pain (but it was tolerable) and I was making 20-30 minute trips to the bathroom, thanks to the jug of water at my bedside and the IV drip of saline.

I was cleared to eat whatever I wanted, and took advantage of the fairly impressive menu. I didn’t have a huge appetite, but I managed to keep food on my stomach. Shelton worked most of the day and I slipped in and out of naps with frequent trips to the bathroom all day. Around 6:00 that night, they told me I could go home if I wanted and I insisted on staying. I was scared to death we’d get home, have another flare up and have to go through the hell of the ER and L&D check-in once again.

At that point I decided to start going every three hours for my pills instead of two, and I was managing just fine. At 11 that night the nurse came in to do a fetal monitor on the baby and I told her that while I was due for a pill at midnight, I wanted to try to sleep through it and I’d page her if we needed it. So I slept through it, and didn’t buzz for a pill until 2 a.m. When she returned to do the fetal monitor at 5 a.m., she asked if I was ready for another pill and I told her that I was going to pass, I felt fine. For the first time in 48 hours I was comfortable, without pain and relaxed. She also told me she’d had kidney stones at 20 weeks. So I asked her which was worse, and she said the stones were more painful than the labor.

At 7 Friday morning my OB returned to check on me. I told him that with a prescription I was ready to go home and he didn’t disagree. So they started the check-out process. At around 8 a.m. I went in to use the restroom as the nurse was finalizing my paperwork, and found the stone. It had passed. I was sorely disappointed when I saw how teeny tiny it was. For all I’d been through, I wanted it to be something I could brag about and be proud of, maybe have bronzed so I could wear it on a necklace. I just couldn’t believe something so tiny had brought me to my knees in the most unimaginable pain I’d ever been in.

Shelton brought me home, filled my prescription, and I slept the rest of the day, as did he. I think it’s worth mentioning that Shelton was awake for about 50 hours, never left my side, and took care of every whimper, request and trip to the bathroom I had. He was incredible and without him I’m certain I would have died. Throughout the entire agonizing nightmare, I was so thankful to have him there with me.

Also worth mentioning is that this baby I’m carrying is both incredibly strong and crazy. Given the narcotics cocktail I had, which they repeatedly assured me was fine for the baby, she never stopped moving. Not once. Kicking and rolling and playing the entire time. Every nurse that used the fetal monitor laughed as they literally had to hunt her down to find a heartbeat.

Another worthy mention, our friends the Amores, who swooped in and took care of our puppy while we were away. Amidst all that was going on we were so stressed over what to do with the dog and they didn’t hesitate a second to drive out to our house, pick her up, and take her not only home but to work for two days. God sends!

Friday night as Shelton and I were exhausted and ready to head to bed, a knock at the door startled us. I mean, 10 o’clock on a Friday night we don’t typically have visitors. Shelton opened the door to find my sister, sister-in-law, and niece, they’d driven five hours from Arkansas to come see us. It was the best get well surprise ever. Saturday the pain returned so I continued taking my pain pills. My sisters cooked, did laundry and helped take care of me, filling water and doing other small things. That afternoon we’d already planned to have my mom and aunts over to clean out and move the nursery to the basement and get the nursery set-up upstairs. The house was buzzing with a lot of women, and they with Shelton got our entire nursery put together. It’s beautiful and I’m loving walking in there and just looking around knowing that’s where we’re bringing our baby home.

Before this week, I didn’t know it was possible to experience pain like I did. It was brutal. I’m so grateful that it wasn’t anything more than it was, that we had a definitive conclusion and that overall I was very well taken care of by the hospital, Shelton and my doctor.

This morning we started week 30, meaning we’re at the T-minus 10 week countdown. Shelton and I are both praying it’s an uneventful 2.5 months. We can’t take any more excitement like this.

Pregnancy Week 28

My weekly update is a few days late due to some maintenance we’re trying to do to the site. So not to fear, all is well!

Yes, I said well! I’m on day eight of no bleeding! That is very exciting and a trend I hope we can keep up as long as possible. I pretty much spent the whole of week 28 either sitting in a big chair in the living room or lying in my bed. I even had Shelton move a card table in front of that big chair so I could set-up my office. I only left the house three times the entire week. And while it was mind-numbingly boring and drove me bonkers, I think the self-imposed “do not move” on top of the doctor-imposed “vaginal rest” proved to be worthwhile.

The baby is awesome! She seriously moves all day long. She’s usually up before I am in the morning, wiggling about, ready to start the day. (Probably just ready to eat something!) And then whether it be full-on “shows” or just her head or butt resting in a very uncomfortable position, I can feel her throughout the day. There is no doubt she’s growing either. I can definitely feel a difference in the shape and weight that I’m carrying. But these are all good things! Lots of moving and lots of growing just means a healthy baby!

Last week I signed-up for and paid for our birthing class, which is held once a week for six week at our delivery hospital. You know, I probably don’t need it. Millions of women then and now have given birth without so much as a doctor’s appointment, much less a six-week course, but I think I’ll feel better having done it. Hopefully Shelton will, too. I just don’t want to feel like we’re walking blind in to that delivery room. I have been warned not to watch the epidural video, which, I unfortunately, have already watched online and DEAR GOD you should have to have your mother sign a permission slip before you’re allowed to view things like that! I tell you what, I paid $60 for this class. I’m not getting any kind of college credit for it and my GPA doesn’t depend on it. So if they decide to venture down a road we aren’t comfortable with, I’m taking my two pillows, beach towel and husband and getting the H out of Dodge!

Symptom wise I’m starting to feel a lot slower. Much like in the early part of the pregnancy, I’m very tired most of the time. I’m back to early bed times and sleeping about 10 hours each night (interrupted by no less than three trips to the bathroom each and every night). The leg cramps seem to have waned for the most part, although my thighs, calves and lower back are quite achy by the time I wake in the morning. Rolling over in the middle of the night, or even trying to get out of bed, is proving to be a more difficult task. I’ve moved a stool in to the shower to sit on and I find Shelton helping me up off the couch or out of the tub more and more. The heart burn continues to melt my innards and the Pepcid AC/Tums cocktail is about as useful as putting out a housefire with a 20 oz. bottle of Dasani.

Starting next week I’m on two-week appointments with the OB, Dr. W. It’s an exciting milestone showing us that we’re at t-minus 11 weeks until this little monster gets here. My first of three showers is in 2.5 weeks and I can’t wait to start celebrating with all of our friends and family (not to mention help this nesting bug take a day off).

Pregnancy Week 27

Yes, I’m still here. I feel like it’s been a few days since I last checked-in. I’ve been super busy with those “take it easy” orders and really doing quite well with them.

I honestly feel like last week, week 27, as we ushered in our third trimester, has already been pretty well summed up. What a mess. Granted, it could have been a bigger mess, but I feel like it was the most drama we’ve had this entire time.

So, if you want or need to catch up on week 27, please see:

Week 27 Doctor’s Appointment

Week 27 Sonogram

Vaginal Rest

What isn’t mentioned in those posts is that for the most part I’m feeling pretty OK. By afternoon I’m feeling pretty exhausted. I try to jump off line for 30 minutes or an hour to take a nap or just lie down. The baby is moving a lot. Throughout the day and the sweet little flutters are gone and have been replaced with rambunctious kicks that clearly let me know she’s in there. She likes to burrow deep into my pelvis or try to push her butt out of the top right of my stomach. Both are unbelievably uncomfortable.

Last night while taking a bath I was watching her do the wave, as my entire stomach would just sort of roll from one side to the other. And then, she’d give a big kick and send ripples across the water. Very cool!

We are all signed up for our birth class; it’s a 6-week course at our delivery hospital. I was surprised to hear it costs $60, but I guess they’ll probably take us for every penny they can.

Otherwise, I’m just really starting to feel that nesting bug, yet I feel like I can’t do anything about it. I can’t move boxes, I can’t unload the bookshelf in my office, I can’t vacuum. Hell, even a trip to the grocery store requires assistance. I know it’s all worth it, every bit of it. And in less than 12 whole weeks she’ll be here and, while we won’t regain our normalcy, we’ll get to begin working on a new normal. And that is very exciting!

Vaginal Rest

This was the order given to me by the doctor on Friday afternoon. I’m supposed to let my vagina rest… apparently. I told Shelton not to disturb us.

So, I’m being funny, but this week has been far from it. All because of the bleeding. “Brandi, give us one verb to describe your pregnancy.” “Bleeding.” Ugh! It’s so incredibly frustrating. Why? Because there is no reason for it. None whatsoever!

Last Monday, I went to the doctor for my monthly visit. We talked at length about the bleeding and he asked me every conceivable question you ask a person on the subject. At one point asking if I was positive I knew where it was coming from. I posted here about that doctor’s appointment, mentioning the bleeding. “M” at our fertility clinic read said post and mentioned this to Dr. T, our IVF doctor. He called us. It was out of the blue and completely unexpected and so completely welcome. He kind of made me realize I wasn’t taking this as seriously as I should and kind of woke me out of my apathetic fog I’d let myself drift in to. Hello! Remember the IVF with the needles and the crying and the money? I let him know there was a sonogram scheduled for the following week, but he insisted it be done sooner, even offering to let us go by the clinic if need be. So my regular doctor’s office was able to move up the appointment and get me in the next day, this past Wednesday.

So we went to the sonogram. And ooohed and ahhed over the excruciating cuteness factor of the little baby girl residing in my womb who could very well have my nose and maybe Angelina Jolie’s lips. We knew it would probably be the next day before our OB, Dr. W, received the radiology report and could let us know what they found. So we asked radiology to burn us a disc of all the sono images, plus we took the cute print outs, and headed over to see “M” and Dr. T, hoping to settle our nerves and both continue the conversation with two people who have expressed genuine concern and interest in our well-being. So we had a long chat and Dr. T didn’t seem alarmed by anything, just “paranoia” about the continued bleeding. He urged me to “take it easy” and reminded me of how far we’ve come. I think I needed that. Not that I need to be on tip toes and egg shells until she arrives, but this is not a normal pregnancy and shouldn’t be treated as such. He also advised that if I experienced any changes – in the blood, cramping, etc. – that I should immediately go to the hospital to be checked out.

The next afternoon, Thursday, Dr. W’s nurse called with the radiology report and let me know that no one sees anything wrong. Nothing stands out. There are no clots, there are no pools of blood. There’s nothing. We’ve ruled out every possible problem. Yet, the bleeding continues.

And yesterday morning, Friday, the bleeding continued. Only there was a change. It was heavy, very, very heavy. And my heart just stopped. But I rationalized – don’t freak out! I was like, we’ll give it an hour or so and see what happens. Thirty minutes later I had to use the restroom again, of course, and it was worse than before. And although Shelton had just gone to work late after driving to the opposite side of town through the snow, I called him and asked to come home and take me to the hospital. And he did. During the wait I called Dr. W’s office and was told to go to our delivery hospital. I also packed a change of clothes/overnight bag because, well, who knows.

It was our first trip to this hospital and our first trip up to labor and delivery. If nothing else, the practice run we probably needed. I first want to say the staff in that perinatal unit was amazing. The nurse was barely done filling out forms when the doctor pushed her way in and got to work. Meaning, within minutes. Every single person was smiling, polite and in no particular hurry. It was very relieving, very comforting and vastly different from any ER experience… ever. I gave a urine sample, was hooked up to an external fetal monitor and began sitting. I felt totally fine, but was completely unnerved by the change in events. The doctor reached out to Dr. W to let him know I was there while her resident took a very thorough history. Then, they did a pelvic exam. She said she could see blood, but didn’t seem concerned by it.

Let me just say now, that at 27 weeks, stir-ups can take a damn hike. By 40 weeks, no chance in hell you’re folding me up in those things.

They took blood and then we waited. Lunch time during a snow storm probably wasn’t an ideal time to be sending things to the lab for results, but that’s what we did. We spent four hours at the hospital, only to have the doctor come in and tell us what we already knew. “The baby is perfect.” Perfect, healthy, strong, growing… all things any parent-to-be wants to hear, especially us. As for me, “no explanation.” Whattya know. My labs were clean, the exam inconclusive. There’s absolutely nothing wrong… that they can see. As “M” put it, people should stop calling this normal, because it’s not normal. It might be the norm for me, but that doesn’t make it a normal part of any pregnancy.

I was sent home with instructions for “vaginal rest,” and basically told that I’m sitting just this side of bed rest and that I must “take it easy.” Shelton had called “M” and Dr. T when we arrived at the hospital, primarily because we wanted someone with my history to know where we were and what was going on. Dr. W spends Fridays in surgery so it wasn’t possible for me to let him know, he was my first call. Dr. T called to check on us just as we were pulling in the driveway. I assured him he hadn’t planted any seeds of hysteria or hypchondriac-ness. He agreed with our decision to go to the hospital and said if the same thing happened again to go right back. I thanked him profusely for taking the time to reach out. Seriously people… best. doctor. ever.

So today, I’m doing that, taking it easy. Which is incomprehensible to a busy body like me and I’m just stewing with all the things I could/should/would be doing, places I’d be going. We canceled dinner plans that we were hosting tonight, probably a good call. Otherwise we’ve been busy with the doing nothing, taking it easy and vaginal resting.

You know, if sitting here like a lump gets me through at the very least the next seven weeks and able to bring home this perfect, healthy baby girl, then clearly I’ll do it. But a month of bleeding with zero explanation is worrisome to say the least, so I’m hoping that all of this sitting and attempt at reducing stress somehow stops the bleeding or keeps anything else from happening.

Week 27 Sonogram

Whew! What a week! I’m already completely drained and we’ve got four days to go before the next one starts.

I mentioned in my week 27 OB update that we’d be having a sonogram next week. Well, that moved, to yesterday.

It seems I haven’t exactly been the best advocate for myself and fortunately for me/us, someone else was watching over our shoulder. Dr. T, our fertility doctor, caught word via “M,” our IVF nurse/sanity manager, that my bleeding had continued… was continuing. Remember, we dealt with this for the first six or eight weeks of the pregnancy with him. Tuesday evening I received a call from him wanting to know what was going on and expressing his concern. He encouraged me to move up the sonogram.

So yesterday I called radiology and they obliged, moving me from a Monday appointment to an afternoon appointment yesterday. No doubt I was thrilled to be able to peek inside and see how much this baby had grown in the eight weeks since our last sonogram; more so, I just want to know what is going on.

As of now we have not yet heard back on the radiology report. However, what Shelton and I saw yesterday was the most perfect, healthy baby with her mama’s nose! Every picture showed a strong, healthy baby. And the ripples that waved across my stomach and the fact that the sono tech had to basically chase her down showed us that she’s very active and very much spending every single day growing. She’s currently at two pounds five ounces and all of her measurements hit the 50 percentile dead-on. Her size matched her gestational age to the date. In other words, she’s perfect. She’s textbook.

Today I’m just waiting to hear back from Dr. W, my OB, to make sure this bleeding/spotting/whatever really is just some bizarre anomaly that none of us can account for.

I did take my sono pics over to Dr. T yesterday afternoon. In no way at all trying to undermine or step on the toes of Dr. W, but I felt like if I had a second doctor this interested in helping us, two minds can surely be more helpful than one, right? It’s like going to a salon and suddenly asking a different stylist to do your hair instead of the one who did it before. Awk-Ward.

It was such a treat to steal some of Dr. T and “M’s” very valuable time and not only talk about the health of our pregnancy, but kind of catch-up in general. Dr. T strongly urged me to take the next five weeks seriously in regards to our pregnancy and just focus on relaxing, not stressing and keep this baby inside. He reminded that every day she’s inside buys us more weight, more health.

I was also encouraged that if anything changes – cramping, bleeding, etc. – that I need to be checked out immediately. So the hypochondriac in me is trying to stay in hiding; reasonably, I need to just listen to my body and recognize when something isn’t quite right.

I’ll of course update once I hear back on the sono report.

In the meantime, go ahead and swoon over this adorably squishy-cute baby face! That’s her nose, lips and chin.

Week 27 Doctor’s Appointment

I had my monthly doctor’s appointment today. When Dr. W walked in he asked if there was anything new with the Web site. And I kind of froze. Ommagod… he knows about my Web site! He admitted that he’d never visited, but that a resident of his did and that this person mentioned it sometimes, even noting that I call him Dr. W. SO, if he stops by, or to the mystery resident, HELLO!!!

This visit included my glucose test, which I was dreading. My sister had told me horrible horror stories so I was of course fearing the worst. I did get to have breakfast this morning and then showed up at the lab where they handed me a bottle of my choice of fruit punch flavored glucose. And it tasted like my red Powerade. Yum! I sucked it down and then ten minutes later felt like I was hit by a truck. I don’t eat a terrible amount of sugar, very little in fact. So I had a feeling shocking my body with that concentrated sugar would hurt, and boy did it! After the appointment and throughout the day I felt like I had just crashed hard, fighting to stay awake, headache… very similar to an adrenaline rush crash. I expected the baby to go nuts, but I think she was in a sugar-shocked coma because she didn’t move all day. Finally during yoga tonight I got a couple kicks, so we’re back to normal. They drew my blood but I did not get the results. I’d like to think there will be nothing to report.

During my appointment, Dr. W mentioned that I’d called a few times this past month regarding spotting. Oh yes, it’s back! But really, did it ever go away? Hardly. He was mildly concerned, only in that sense that there’s no explanation for it. We’ve ruled out every logical answer. He even asked if I was sure it was vaginal and I was like, umm, yes doc, I know my orifices. So just to make sure we haven’t missed anything, or that nothing new has developed, I get to have a sonogram on the first. Yay!! I’m thrilled to have another sono, for whatever the reason is. Look at your medical stuff… SHOW ME MY BABY! She’s going to be so big and I cannot wait to see how she’s grown in the eight weeks since we last saw her.

We talked about the upcoming delivery. Because, in case you haven’t heard, that’s going to happen. He told me that week 34 is kind of the safety circle, so if we can just get there and she happened to come early there wouldn’t be a whole lot of reason for concern. In fact, if I went in to labor that early he wouldn’t stop it. I then asked how far he’d let me got on the other end, if I cruised passed my due date. And this is why I love him – he just shrugged and said something to the effect of not seeing any reason to do so. I told him I am due on a Monday and he responded that he induces on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. So at the latest, we’ll have this baby by 4/28! Do you know how much Type A Personalities LOVE to hear definitive dates they can put on their color-coded calendars?! LIKE SO MUCH!

I also talked to him about my crazy fast heart rate. In the past week or two, I can be sitting perfectly still, we’re talking working/sleeping/watching TV, and my heart rate is at or above 100 bpm. I feel like I’m in the middle of a cardio workout and I’m not even moving. I have to stop and catch my breath. It’s insane. He told me it can be normal due to the increased blood volume moving through my body. And also told me not a whole lot to do about it and since it only lasts 10 or 15 minutes I shouldn’t be too concerned. And I responded that, oh no sir, 10 minutes would be great, this lasts HOURS! And he was like, huh what?! Told me there was a pill he could give me, in the hospital, and it would basically stop my heart. And I was like, umm, motionless cardio works for me. He said if it continues that I can go to the L&D floor at the hospital and they’ll do a heart monitor and see what’s going on. SVT rhythms is what he called it… more mental note for me than anything else.

Finally, I got to go to yoga tonight. I only bring this up because of what happened in the moments before I left. I love this little yoga class I’ve found. As the weeks tick by the class gets smaller and new faces show up… because the other women have reached their due dates. One woman who have sat next to for most of the classes was a real sweetheart. She was older, just 49, and cute as a button as she’d waddle in carrying her twin girls. She was just teeny tiny petite and perfect round with two little girls tucked inside. During our conversations I learned that she’d done the IVF cycle prior to mine. So of course I’m like SOUL MATES! I learned a few days after Christmas that she’d delivered the girls and I was thrilled for her. Then tonight, as I was putting on my shoes, I learned that she passed away a few days ago. I’m so unbelievably shocked and saddened by this news. I just can’t wrap my brain around it. All I can think about is that she wanted those babies so badly, she was so healthy and she worked so hard to have a good pregnancy. And now those little girls won’t get to know their adorable mom and her husband is left without her. What an unbelievably crushing time for that family and my thoughts and prayers are with them. I hope she’s got a front row seat to watch those sweet babies grow-up.