Posts Tagged ‘pregnancy week by week’

Pregnancy Week 10

Tuesday, October 6th, 2009

Last week was gloriously uneventful! Ten weeks in and I felt fantastic. Still tired, still sluggish, still sleep about 10-12 hours at a time at night. But when I was awake I wanted to eat, eat, eat, and never once felt sick. (Two days in to week 11 and I’m longing for that!)

Week ten was great because the bleeding stopped. And I cannot even express what a relief that was. I told Shelton I was honestly having a hard time really getting into this pregnancy because I was so scared. But to be able to take such a huge sigh, know that it was behind us and move on, was a great feeling.

I started week ten with the first visit to my OB. You can read all about that appointment at <– that link. It was really positive – just went through all the initial stuff, learned where we’d deliver (and I have to say my enthusiasm is lackluster and I’m pondering the pros of delivering in my back seat in an alley). We don’t have a lot of choices here, but of the three I thought I had, the far lesser third seems to be the one. I have nothing to support this other than my own perception. And as someone in advertising/marketing, I like to think I know a little bit about brand perceptions. The one I have for this particular hospital is bad. My brother was born there, and he turned out OK, so maybe it won’t be so bad. There is a place in town where the mothers give birth in a veritable spa in a room that’s probably nicer than my master bedroom at home. And wouldn’t you know it, our insurance doesn’t go there. And I’ve paid MORE THAN ENOUGH this year without insurance coverage.

I guess I can’t say the week was entirely uneventful – I’m showing! Several female relatives have given me license to say that outloud and confirm that Houston, we have a bump. Now, I can clearly see it, as can anyone who really knows me or is looking for it. The people at the grocery store probably think I spend my days polishing off pizza buffets and washing it down with natty light and doughnuts. Depending on the day I’m switching between my regular jeans, yoga pants and a pair of maternity capris (the maternity jeans are still a little loose). The yoga pants are heaven and the jeans are not worn anywhere food is being consumed. The bump is pretty cute and I think I’ll keep it.

Although, I’m somewhat delusional that this is as big as I’m going to get. Like six months from now I’m going to look like 140 pound me and squat out a baby (7 pounds) and shed the extra three pounds by going to the bathroom, and then wahlah! Pre-preggo body welcome me home! I know, I know, I said I’m delusional. Call it hormones or my current obsession with french toast and bacon (ooo! and belgian waffles!).

I went on a little maternity shopping trip this weekend with my Aunt J and had a blast. It was a much needed girls-only shopping afternoon that yielded two bags of clothes, lunch at one of my favorite restaurants, and dessert from another favorite restaurant. Not to mention some overdue quality time with one of my favorite aunts. I went for simple basics since my maternity budget was basically my birthday money (thanks mama J) and I needed to make sure I got things that would last. I’m also SOOO grateful to my sister for the huge tub of clothes she brought to me. I think I managed to pull about four shirts and six pairs of pants out of that.

Week ten was a good week. It spoiled me. And I hope to see many more just like it.

Pregnancy Week 9

Sunday, September 27th, 2009

We made it to the double digits! Today starts my tenth week of pregnancy – and so it’s time to recap number nine.

Week nine was 50/50. The first half was miserable. MISERABLE!!! I was certain that was how the next seven months of my life were going to feel. I didn’t keep any food down for five days. The only thing that looked even quasi appetizing was macaroni and cheese, a baked potato, or toast. Shelton did an amazing job taking care of and tending to me. Everything made me nauseous, everything stunk, nothing looked good, all I wanted to do was sleep. The anti-nausea medication prescribed by Dr. T helped somewhat, but I’m certain most days it came right back up with everything else. (And at $118 after insurance, I’m not taking two!)

By Wednesday morning I’d only lost my breakfast and I haven’t been sick since. (Although tonight’s been a bit woozy.) I’ve been managing to get a solid ten hours of sleep on most nights – which is a Godsend that I can’t express just how thoroughly I enjoy. If I’m not stuffing my face (we’re back to the FEED ME NOW ALL THE TIME!! mode), then I would really like to sleep. Weekends are glorious with all the sleeping in and mid-day naps and big breakfasts!!

I made my first maternity purchase this week. Old Navy was having a sale so I grabbed three long-sleeve t-shirts and a black sweater. Some basics I can’t live without at my current size. I’ve never been so damn hot in my life though so I may not ever even want or need to use them. Although, Shelton might put them on as his tenth layer to try to stay warm. Poor thing, he is going to freeze to death this winter. This is certain. Because that A/C is NOT being turned off! I put the shirts away knowing I didn’t really need them yet, but then Saturday I couldn’t take it anymore.

I’m not showing. I’m not trying to be one of those girls who is like OH MY GOD I’M PREGNANT LOOK AT MY BIG BELLY. Because there isn’t one. HOWEVER… I can clearly feel and see a difference in my stomach. Things are snug. So I retired one pair of pants this week and as the temps got colder I realized most of my fall/winter stuff is fairly fitted… meaning it’s snug… and I feel like I’m suffocating when I wear it. So Saturday I wore of the new long sleeve tees and while it definitely has plenty of room to grow into, it was so comfy!

I can definitely see a new roundness to my stomach that wasn’t there previously – but it’s not anything that anyone else is going to notice. Everyone else will probably just think I ate one too many enchiladas (and I probably did!). The really fun part is that it’s feeling really hard. And I don’t know why but I get ten kinds of giddy when I feel and must have Shelton push his fingers into my tummy too so he can confirm that it does in fact feel hard. (Again, probably just the Mexican food.)

And apparently we need more of this – the feeling of the belly and the reminders of the life growing inside. This weekend at the farmer’s market Shelton and I ran in to one of his former co-workers and chatted a minute. When asked if there was anything new going on with him (Shelton), he responded, “no, not really.” And I’m like – umm, WE HAVE ONLY CREATED A LIFE! But I didn’t know this guy and didn’t want to say anything so I just stood there. And when we walked off I said “Shelton, when people ask if there’s anything new, you might let them know you’re going to have a baby.” He laughed and said “oh yeah, I guess I could have said that.”

It’s been pretty uneventful around here otherwise. I’m just trying to take it easy and avoid getting sick at all costs. I’m hoping week 10 goes by quite smoothly!

Pregnancy Week 8

Sunday, September 20th, 2009

Well, if I didn’t feel pregnant before, week eight brought all the symptoms with it like a bad Kansas storm. I’m flat out miserable.

Thursday we went in for my final sonogram and thrilled to see the baby doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing. The doctor said the baby is “textbook normal.” It looks like a gummy bear! After about six sonograms, we brought home our first baby-like picture. It definitely looks like a gummy bear with an odd-shaped head and four tiny but distinguishable limbs. (It has four limbs!!) We also saw the umbilical cord for the first time and, don’t ask me why, but that kind of made me feel pregnant like nothing else has. Heartbeat was raging and the little booger is about 2 cm.

Other than that, I have nothing positive to say about this week. We were released from our fertility clinic (cry!). And I’ve been sick.

Everything stinks. Smells, no matter how truly unoffensive, turn my stomach. I’m so nauseous all the time, and most of the time eating something is the one thing that will fix it. But it’s getting past the mental block of that looks gross, smells gross, sounds gross that is the biggest problem. Shelton made a plain ‘ole turkey sandwich for me and when he handed the plate over I wanted to throw up. It just looked horrendous. Very few things sound good to me and the only things that I can really stomach seems to be an ever-shortening list. What I’m about to share with you I’m not proud of. If you’ve read this site for any length of time you’ll know that I’m very proud of the way we eat. All very balanced, whole foods. We eat very little processed, boxed, canned junk. What I’m finding though is all of that stuff turns my stomach and all I can truly stomach are things I haven’t eaten in years. Stuff that is NOT good for me – but at least I’m eating??
> Pizza. I could eat this three meals a day and I’m making Papa Johns very happy this month.
> Doritos. Nacho cheese only please. Any time of day will do.
> Mac N Cheese. Not my usual homemade gooey goodness, but straight from the box with all its factory toxicity.
> Whole Grain Goldfish. Those crackers are saving my life one at a time.
> Baked potatoes.
> Powerade.
> Milk. I’ve never in my life drank milk except to accompany cereal or a baked good. Now, I’ll just get a glass and suck it down.
> PB and crackers.
> Apples.
> Chicken strips.
> Toast.

Those are all things that I can pretty much stomach any time of day without any complaints. The common denominator? Starch. I know it’s different for everyone, but starches seem to be what’s keeping me satisfied. And half of that ends up coming right back up anyway.

My doctor did prescribe Zofran for nausea. I got the generic, which was $120 out of pocket after insurance. ($600 without insurance!! OMG!!) I really can’t say if it’s helping or not yet. I spent all day on a day trip to OKC that was not my best idea. Being in that car for six hours only made things worse, and while I’m glad we got to be there for our niece’s first birthday, I was sick as a dog all day. Today I’ve been in bed all day sleeping on/off. For what we paid though we’ll pretend that it’s working miracles.

I’m also totally falling for my husband all over again. (I know, gag!) I love that we’re FINALLY having this baby together and the way we exchange these long glances that I don’t know that we ever have before. He’s been positively amazing this week in spite of trying not to lose his mind playing the pregnant whim dance. “I’m hungry.” “OK what do you want.” “I don’t know.” “What sounds good?” “Nothing.” “How about X?” “Gross!” And so on. He’s just amazingly supportive and kind and – he’s everything he is every other day of the week and maybe I’m just being more appreciative.

Finally, we ended our IVF this week. We were released from the clinic, and last night I took my LAST SHOT!!!! NO MORE NEEDLES!!!! That alone will make me feel so much better.

So here we go in to week 9.

Pregnancy Week 7

Monday, September 14th, 2009

So I decided that instead of doing my weekly pregnancy updates at the start of the week I would do them at the end – that way I can capture what happened in that week. So this week is my eighth week, and I want to talk about the seventh.

I’m still hungry. All the time. Around the clock. Hunger has just become a part of who I am. I joke that I haven’t felt full since August 15. Unlike previous weeks I’ve reached a point where I’m so unbelievably, nauseatingly hungry and yet there is nothing that sounds good to me. Shelton made a turkey sandwich for me last night and I really thought I was going to puke in my lap. It looked horrendous. And sadly the things that do sound edible to me, are things I should not want to eat. I want a lot of pizza. Potato chips and macaroni and cheese and blah blah blah. I’m really trying to limit this stuff – but when it’s the only thing I can or want to eat I guess I’m justifying it.

We went camping this past weekend and I literally ate for four solid hours. If I wasn’t eating, I was fighting off nausea and trying not to get sick in front of our friends in the woods. So from 8:30 a.m. to noon I had an apple, three glasses of OJ, a peanut butter sandwich, eggs, bacon, ham, goldfish crackers, a banana, a turkey and swiss sandwich, cucumber slices and bbq potato chips. I don’t even know how many calories that is. But after that four hour binge I felt fine the rest of the day.

So on that note, I think my fairy tale of no morning sickness is over. The latter part of last week I started getting hit with bouts of nausea. It’s awful. I can’t think of many things I hate more than being nausea. And this lasts for hours! And it’s not necessarily morning sickness, it’s just pregnancy sickness and it comes any ‘ole time it wants. Yesterday, the start of week 8, it hit me hard. I’d felt fine all day, got home from camping, took a shower and a nap, and then got very sick and lost everything I’d eaten all day. I was out the rest of the evening. Today, I pretty much fought nausea all day long, but never got sick.

I also had to start a “these pants don’t fit pile.” Probably more to blame on my eating habits than the baby, but either way, those particular khaki shorts have been removed from circulation.

We had a sonogram last week and the little baby is just growing rapidly. It’s positively fascinating to watch this baby grow. It was up to 1.2 cm on Thursday with 154bpm for the heartbeat. It also has a head now! With what I’m calling a snout. Doc says the baby is where it should be for this point in our pregnancy.

Pregnancy Week Six

Sunday, August 30th, 2009

I told Shelton today that I’m bored with being pregnant. How do you tell someone they’re pregnant and expect them to just sit by and wait nine months? How about you just go ahead and give me my baby already! Shelton laughed and agreed that I’m too impatient in general and that I don’t do delayed gratification well. There’s a reason I don’t shop online very often, I want to pay and get my stuff! So I guess I have to sit here for 34 more weeks!

Waiting for 7.5 more months or not, I’m loving this. As my sister advised, I’m embracing all of it. It still doesn’t feel real to either of us, I keep thinking I’ll wake up and find out I’ve waken from the best dream. The heartburn continues – so I have Tums. I am so fatigued and exhausted – so I sleep and take naps when I can. I’m ravenous – so I eat. All the things that any other day of the week would feel like a burden and a pain to deal with, I’m embracing whole heartedly. I want the heartburn, I want to feel tired, and I want to eat everything in sight!

You think I’m kidding?! I had two lunches today!! I’m eating a balance of everything I’m supposed to and limiting what I’m not supposed to. No real cravings yet, I’m not even sure when that’s supposed to start if it does. However, I did eat six meals of Mexican food last week. (YUM!)

Tomorrow is a big, big day! We’ll have our first ultrasound. We are big balls of nerves – and possibly more anxious than we were for the pregnancy test. One… Two…. THREE?! No idea what we’ll hear. We will hear a heartbeat and it’s nearly unfathomable that 26 days ago they were microscopic eight cell organisms – and tomorrow it will have a heartbeat. UNREAL!!!

I’m using the pregnancy week-by-week calendar on For six weeks it says the face is beginning to form: “Your baby’s jaw, cheeks, chin, eyes, ears, and nose are beginning to form.” From crown to rump the baby is 1/4” long, about the length of a nail head. It also explains why I pee ALL THE TIME… morning, noon, night and midnight! My kidneys are working more efficiently to rid my body of waste, and that means I’m spend half my day looking for a toilet.

BUT I’m only looking for the toilet to pee. I am over the moon that I have yet to get sick. I’ve read that 25 percent of women never do, and I have no qualms with that!

The progesterone shots continue. And believe me, I’m over it. O-VER-IT! On each cheek I have huge knots under the skin. Last night Shelton confused an old incision spot with the new incision spot and misplaced the bandage. An hour later he noticed blood on the back of my PJ shorts and I noticed a big oil stain on the sheets… where it had all leaked out. (The progesterone is in oil.) I really do look like a human pin cushion.

Pregnancy Week 5

Thursday, August 27th, 2009

First, thanks to so many of you who’ve reached out with notes of congratulations! I still can’t believe after all this time we were finally able to make this announcement and so glad that so many of you are still following our journey!

Sundays are my week-marker for pregnancy. As this past Sunday was the big pregnancy announcement, I didn’t make a “week” update post. Rather than wait until next week, I wanted to go ahead and fill everyone in where I am for now.

Yesterday I went in for my third blood test to monitor hCG levels (the hormone produced by pregnant women). I was at 9211!! According to the “What to Expect” book, upward of 7000 is normal. So I am raging over here!!!

Thus far I feel fantastic. That’s not to say I’m not feeling a few things I’d rather not, but in the grand scheme, five weeks pregnant isn’t treating me too badly. I tend to “crash” every day around 3pm and don’t really make a recovery. If it weren’t for my sister and new baby niece visiting this week, I think I’d head to bed before 10pm every night. I’ve had heartburn since before the pregnancy test. I’m have two or three Tums at a time once or twice a day. My breasts are enormous and as I explained in this post – reacquainting with my breasts – I’m completely fascinated by this growth spurt, and also completely over the itchiness, soreness and not fitting into any bras.

I also pee ALL THE TIME! You can count on me to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night between 2 and 4 every night. Now I’m going three times each night, which is quite disruptive to the REM patterns. And I pee all day everyday. I thought this part was supposed to wait until you had a seven pound mass sleeping on your bladder!

Finally, I’m ravenous. I could eat three families out of house and home and then ask for dessert. I’m maintaining my usual healthy, balanced diet. I’ve also given in a few times to a few things that I probably shouldn’t have. I had an orange soda the other day, have been to Chipotle twice, chips and queso, and some cheesecake/fudge brownie concoction (because it was my mom’s birthday!!). But seriously, I’m maintaining my typical ration of egg white veggie omelets, whole grain sandwiches with turkey and veggies, fresh fruits for snacks, Greek yogurt, lean proteins, skim milk every morning and buckets of water. Jillian Michaels’ pregnancy advice is that you only need to increase calories by about 200-300 per day and if you do this, and stay safely and moderately active, you shouldn’t have much of a baby belly to work off later. This is my goal. I don’t need Cheetos. The baby(s) doesn’t need Cheetos. My ass doesn’t need Cheetos.

I don’t want to jinx this – but I haven’t puked once. Not a single sign of morning sickness. Maybe this is what I get for having already gone through more than six weeks of shots, fatigue, nausea, pain, etc., maybe I’m just one of the 25 percent who won’t get it, and maybe it’s just waiting patiently for me.

The next big step from here is finding out if both embryos stuck around or if we’ve got a single. The ultrasound is next week and I’m growing more and more anxious every single day.