Our Cup Runneth Over

July 17th, 2006

Since the site went up 17 days ago, Shelton and I have been completely overwhelmed with the amount of support we’ve received from not only our friends and families, but people across the globe.

We’re blown away by the number of people writing to us to share their stories and experiences, and showing off their perfect little blessings. Oh yes, lots of baby pics and we enjoy seeing every one of them! Every one of your stories has deeply touched our hearts and I’ve shed more than a few tears. The lengths at which a couple will go to finally become parents- be it IVF, other treatments or adoption- is touching. I never knew so many people were affected by this until we got in the boat with you.

Just an unbelievable thank you to everyone who has written to us and sent in a dollar… or more! We’d love to extend a hug to each of you, but we know that just isn’t possible. We’ve made so many new friends. And to our snail-mail donors, while we can’t respond to all of you, please know that you are so appreciated.

We don’t know that it’s been made clear enough- but we have no intentions of getting rid of Baby or Bust when we’ve reached our goal. We feel like the $20,000 is just the beginning of what Baby or Bust can accomplish. We hope to raise so much awareness with the site… and we hope to raise far more money so that we can offer grants to other couples and help them reach their goal to be parents.

We know the last few posts have just been about the goings on of the site and less about our journey, but we’re kind of at a stand still right now. We have a doctor’s appointment on Thursday and we’ll have plenty of news to share then.

Thank you for being a part of this with us and please keep sharing your stories, we look forward to them so much.