Shelton & Brandi

Hello! We're Brandi & Shelton Koskie. Since 2006 we’ve been one of the many couples on the In Vitro Fertilization journey. We were the first IVF fundraiser blog, and thanks to the generous help of many, in we had our first successful IVF attempt. Nine months later, we had a beautiful girl, Paisley. You’re invited to follow along on our journey from infertility to parenthood.  Learn more

It’s a Girl

We had a sonogram today and very clearly saw that very soon we will have a daughter.

We are ecstatic!

OB Appointment – Week 19

Yesterday I had my monthly check-up with my OB, Dr. W. It was the first time Shelton was able to go. It was a pretty uneventful appointment, and I felt bad when afterward Shelton said he thought we were finding out the baby’s gender, but I’m still glad Shelton was able to be there and at least put a face with a name of our doctor.

The nurse quickly found the heartbeat, which was a solid 140bpm. There was a lot of “background noise” on the fetal heart monitor indicating that the monster is moving quite a lot. And that’s not news to me. This baby has decided to start dancing! For most of last week it was very sporadic movement, only lasting a second or two. But yesterday and today it’s been almost constant. It’s fun, and I have to admit it’s pretty amazing to finally “hear from the other side.” I feel bad that Shelton can’t feel yet, but I’m sure soon enough we’ll have our hands full with more than we know what to do with.

I had to weigh-in, of course. And I saw on the scale the highest number I’ve ever seen in my life – 152 pounds. Sigh. I know, I know, it’s going to happen. I’m a tad worried that I’ve already gained 20 pounds since my IVF started, and 35 pounds is the recommended gain. So I’ve only got 15 pounds of wiggle room. I’ve definitely been getting my diet back on track and hoping that will help. However, the doctor said my weight is normal and of no concern.

Dr. W and I had a long conversation about the tetra screen blood test (to screen for birth defects like Downs Syndrome) and the amniocentesis. He agreed and supported my decision not to proceed with either procedure. There’s no risk involved with the blood test, but if it comes back with positives for any issues, then we’re almost forced into an amnio, which I am adamantly against. It’s far to risky and I haven’t come this far to start being risky.

The best news to come of the appointment is that we got to schedule our sonogram! YAY!! It’s scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday 12/2. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. This time tomorrow, provided the monster cooperates, we’ll know what we’re having. I’m likening the anticipation over here to Christmas Eve.

Pregnancy Weeks 17 and 18

As usual, I should have made some notes for myself because trying to recall the information to do an update on weeks 17 and 18 is proving to be a little difficult.

I spent most of week 17 trying to just hydrate. That is still my mission. Just keep drinking. I’ve been sleeping much better since I got over the dehydration and leg cramps.

The crying phase seems to have set in. Everything makes me cry. For anyone who knows me you might be thinking, what’s new? But this is seriously all the time. It takes nothing to send me straight to bawling. In fact this morning I woke up with an overwhelming urge to cry, and while it never happened, I felt that way for four hours. Just a lump in my throat and the wrong moment was going to send me off the deep.

We spent half of each week on our “babymoon” vacation to Boca Raton. It was a much needed and overdue break for both of us, and I’m going to fill you in on all the details in a separate post. As far as the pregnancy is concerned, I managed just fine. I’m glad it was an easy vacation, meaning a lot of laying around the beach, because I don’t think I would have had the energy to keep up with a fast-paced trip. I did well on both flights, despite the nightmare of traveling the day before and the day of Thanksgiving. My back is in dire need of catching up, and it’s make me nervous about my even longer flights to/from LA in two weeks. I just couldn’t ever find a comfortable position and I was up several times to go to the restroom.

I got to feel the baby move a few more times during weeks 17 and 18. Still just fleeting little flutters that catch me off guard. It tends to be either late at night or very early morning. There was one moment following dinner on our trip though that was completely out of no where. We were walking around some shops when my knees buckled because I swear the monster was trying to escape out the left side of my abdomen. I think it was a combination of slight pain and a lot of surprise.

The day after Thanksgiving I woke to find that I was spotting a tad. I’d had a lot of cramping this day, too, so I was of course fairly concerned. But the spotting didn’t seem to last and neither did the cramping.

I have my monthly appointment with the OB on Monday to kick-off week 19. While we were told it would have to be week 20, I’m HOPING he’ll let us have the sonogram this next week. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! Before I was adamant about not finding out the gender of the monster. However, I’m a little OCD when it comes to planning things and being organized and I just can’t wrap my brain around not planning for a specific gender. So, we anxiously await to find out if this is a he-monster or a she-monster.

The Baby Moved!

Or I’m going to pretend that it did. The movement was so sudden, fleeting and slight that I thought maybe it was just gas. But then, I don’t get gas in that spot, so maybe it was. Maybe it wasn’t. That was Monday.

I was trying my darndest to go to sleep, with Shelton snoring next to me of course. And there it was. As my mom likes to day, just a little flutter. I told Shelton the next morning and his response was “Yeah! Play time!”

It’s been quiet since then.

For some God forsaken reason I jumped

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I’m Pregnant and HOT!

If you’ve followed BabyOrBust for any length of time, you know that I’ve tried to find the silver lining in the infertility and IVF. And if you’re just joining us then FYI, this is my philosophy! I just never found the value in being bitter, angry, depressed and sad about the situation. Nothing I could do about it, so I made it work for me. I like to think this positive attitude is what helped us survive with our marriage not only in tact, but stronger, and our sanity as shaky as it was to start!

So one of those silver lining items was

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Pregnancy Week 16

Do I really have to relive this week? Let me just tell you it’s been awful and I’m saying good riddance and hoping for the best as we take on week 17.

As expressed here, the crampy leg saga pretty much consumed my week. It made for very sleepless, painful, uncomfortable nights, and that made for long, sleepy days. By Thursday of this past week I’d had enough and finally called the doctor. Turns out

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