Shelton & Brandi

Hello! We're Brandi & Shelton Koskie. Since 2006 we’ve been one of the many couples on the In Vitro Fertilization journey. We were the first IVF fundraiser blog, and thanks to the generous help of many, in we had our first successful IVF attempt. Nine months later, we had a beautiful girl, Paisley. You’re invited to follow along on our journey from infertility to parenthood.  Learn more

Pregnancy Week 26

As I started to write this I was like, “Oh no! What did I do? I lost a week!” I saw that last week I posted week 25, knew that today was 27 and couldn’t figure out how I’d overlooked week 26. But alas, I write for the preceding week and nothing is lost. Good lord!

Today is week 27 and that means we begin our third and final trimester. Golly gee it just doesn’t even seem possible that I’ve been pregnant for nearly seven months. That’s a long time! I woke up pretty excited this morning, that we’ve reached yet another milestone without incident. It just keeps creeping so much closer and the anxiety and anticipation are fighting it out between both Shelton and I.

I am so enjoying being pregnant. I love it, I absolutely love it. At the same time, I’m like, it’s a means to an end and the end will be here soon and life will go back to normal. Well, a new normal. Never again will we know our normal. I love my bump. It’s perfect. It’s the exact baby bump I’ve always wanted. I’ve gained about 30 pounds and yet you’d never know it by looking at me. Another thing I’m so grateful for. So far I’m growing very similarly to how my younger sister did last summer and I’m excited about that, because if we look similar pregnant, dear God let me lose the weight and get back in shape in the timely fashion she has.

This past week, number 26, was actually pretty decent. The charlie horse that wrecked my leg and will live on in the Smithsonian of leg cramps was really both the high and low for the week. I’m very pleased to report that I had little to no issue with my back this past week, it didn’t seem to bother me much at all. Even the heartburn seemed to have dissipated.

However, I think I’m turning in to an insomniac. I crave sleep more than I do Doritos and pizza (and chocolate cake… and tacos….). I know I’ve mentioned to you several times that I’m a wicked sleeper. I like to get as much of it as I can and sleep as late as possible (which most days is 8am). I’ve been this way my entire life. I think this is just my body’s way of preparing me for the inevitable insomnia that awaits when the monster gets here, and in that regard, I can kiiiiiiind of appreciate the sentiment. But otherwise, this is for the mother effing birds and I’m over it! I’ve been waking up at 3am for a while now. Wide awake, not like the half-conscious stumble to the bathroom at 1. No, I’m awake. Making lists, thinking about work, planning errands, re-working conversations… all in my head… in the middle of the night. Some days, it’s too much to fight, I just get up. Last night, I managed to lie there awake and coax myself to sleep an hour later. I’m one of these people though that when I’m up, I’m up. There’s no middle ground. During the week, by noon or one I’m physically forcing my eyelids to stay open and by 5 I’m pretty much a vegetable the rest of the night. Bed time comes around 9, much to Shelton’s dismay, but I’m usually asleep quickly and he can continue reading his Google Reader to his heart’s content. I’ve done hot baths, heating pads, changed the temperature of the room, slept in different kinds of PJs and taken Tylenol PM—all moot efforts.

Additionally, I believe the nesting bug has settled in for sure. This morning, my “adorable” husband wrote this on his Twitter:

Third trimester starts today. Nesting mode is in full effect and comes with the “there’s only one way and yours isn’t it” hormone.

Seriously?! We’ve been together for nine years. If he hasn’t learned to fold laundry, put away dishes, wash the dog, etc. the way I’ve gently encouraged him to do, it’s not my fault. He’s not a slow learner, but when it comes to domestic issues, Shelton come on!

In all fairness, as I mentioned last week I believe, my pregnancy hasn’t turned me into a mushy crying sap pile, I’ve become a bitch. I know this is true because I have days where I don’t even want to be around myself and I can’t believe the things I’m doing and saying. I feel like I don’t have any real control over it, yet I know I do, and so I try my damndest to just be nice. Being nice, it’s like the simplest concept we humans have to grasp. Nevertheless, I’m nesting. I want everything clean. But not clean like that, clean like this. I want everything reorganized. But not like that, like this. That banister that we’ve NEV-ER dusted, why don’t we hit that with a Swiffer and some Pledge. And we need more lists. There aren’t enough lists. Everything should be on a list. I’m a neurotic mess that really just needs a beer. A very tall, very cold, very frothy, fresh from the tap Blue Moon… or Bass… Oooooo or Samuel Adams Summertime.

Sorry, tangent. I joke about the Doritos and pizza cravings, but I really haven’t had any cravings during my pregnancy, except beer. Every time I’m around someone drinking a beer I just want to crawl on their lap and smell their breath. So many people have said, Oh, you can have just one. No I can’t. For two reasons… 1) That’s like giving someone ONE potato chip. Give me a freaking break. 2) Hi, I paid TWENTY GRAND for my baby. If she’s born without one of her toenails or her earlobes are growing on top instead of on bottom, I’ll forever feel guilt ridden about having had just that one beer because look what it did to her!

No for now, I’ll just get my kicks by picking on Shelton, eating pizza and creating a new blueprint for the pantry.

Death by Charlie Horse

… So my obituary will read and people everywhere will wonder if that’s even possible and then I’ll rise from the dead with my wrecked right calf and say “LOOK! RIGHT HERE! THIS IS HOW YOU DIE FROM A CHARLIE HORSE!”

Anyone who has kept up with our pregnancy knows that one of the subplots has been my leg cramps. They were brutal in Nov/Dec and in the past few weeks have managed to wane. Maybe I’m finally drinking enough water. Maybe my muscles gave up. Who knows. Frankly, I’m sleeping without agonizing pain so I don’t care why they stopped.

However, they’re back. And boy do they know how to make an entrance. Tuesday night I was very restless and my legs quite achy. At six in the morning Wednesday I flung myself out of bed screaming bloody murder because my right calf was locked in a charlie horse so excruciating I swear to all things holy and not that my muscle was being ripped open. As I stood doubled-over at the side of the bed Shelton jerked awake asking what was wrong and all I could muster was “Cramps! Cramps!,” to which he thought meant I was giving birth to the baby right then and there.

So in the darkness of our room amidst screams of anguish and blind confusion, Shelton helped me back in to bed where I moaned in agony for another ten minutes while the charlie horse from the depths of hell coursed through my leg and Shelton massaged the muscle and moved my foot just so as to make it go away. Finally, it went away and we nestled back in to bed for a brief nap before starting our day.

I’ve spent Wednesday, Thursday and now Friday limping. I don’t think I could have done this much damage to my leg taking off on a Forrest Gump-style run without any stretching or training. My muscle is completely wrecked. It hurts like hell. I’m hobbling around all gimpy like and it’s making life harder in general.

I have yoga Monday night and I’m hoping that I’m either healed by then, or that my brilliant yoga teacher is able to make me stretch it out.

Pregnancy Week 25

So we just wrapped week 25. I need to make little notes to myself throughout the week because by the time I sit down to write this I’m like, “Well, I know some stuff happened…”.

Blame it on the pregnancy brain. This is something I always chocked up to being a pregnancy myth, but my God is it so very real! I’m a total space cadet some days, just staring without a clue what I should be doing.

On the other hand, I think that nesting bug might be starting to show itself as when I’m not spacing I can’t seem to get enough done. Yesterday, for instance, I took on Sam’s, the grocery store, Target, and then took down and packed up all the Christmas decorations. I keep getting this overwhelming since that WE ARE NOT READY! I mean, we only have a crib, five pairs of socks and a sippy cup she can’t use until Halloween. I want to go to Babies R Us and Target and stock up on anything and everything we do and could possibly need and start stacking it up. But that makes no sense. I have an incredible group of family and friends who are collectively throwing three showers this spring… so I need to wait. The likelihood of getting five diaper genies is probably inevitable, and I certainly won’t need the sixth that I purchase myself.

Last week I took an afternoon off work and treated myself to an hour-long pre-natal massage (compliments of said work). I can’t even express how much I needed this. My back is shot, and currently this is my greatest and most legitimate complaint. If I’m standing “straight,” my back looks like the capital letter C. My yoga helps and I’m trying to get up and move as much as I can during the day. Shelton’s great about trying to work out the kinks too. I’m just carrying so much extra weight up front that I feel like my back is screaming MAYDAY and waving a white flag. That or the baby has actually wrapped herself around my spine and is riding it like a fireman’s pole.

Duh, Duh, Duhhhhh…. the spotting is back. Oh is it back. I think today is like 11 days straight. I waited a week this time to call the doctor and the response was the same as usual – this is normal for you, as long as it doesn’t dramatically change, baby is moving normally, etc. etc. then you’re fine. I don’t panic about it like I did in the early days, it’s just annoying and certainly offers a little sense of unease.

But moving normally she is! My goodness, this kid is a mover and a shaker. (Dear God, please don’t let it be her father’s ADD!! Amen and thank you.) She’s active throughout the day and then gives us one final show as we climb in to bed and I don’t hear anything out of her again until breakfast. Sometimes during one of my 37 nightly trips to the bathrooms she’ll say hey, but otherwise I’m either numb to it or she’s just a good night sleeper, and we really, REALLY hope that continues when she gets here.

We had the opportunity to have dinner with some dear friends who were in town this past week. They are due exactly two weeks before us with a little girl and we told one another we were pregnant on the same day. It’s so exciting to be sharing this with them! Over dinner the Mister of the couple commented on how it seems I have every pregnancy symptom you could. I laughed and agreed. The Missus of the couple seems to be having the most uneventful, effortless pregnancy (good for her!). He asked if I were at least enjoying it and I realized, maybe I complain about the aches, pains and symptoms too much. I can’t even describe how much I’m enjoying being pregnant. It’s positively amazing and has exceeded every expectation I had. I think Shelton would echo that.

It’s going to be very bittersweet when our little girl gets here. This is the only time I’m going to be pregnant, and I think I’m going to be very sad to let it go. But I’m sure the joy from having our daughter in our arms will make up for it!

Last week we finally got confirmation on where we will be delivering. It’s not my choice hospital, but, I’m hearing a lot of good things and we’re going to make the most of it.

So now we’re starting the last week of this second trimester and OH DEAR GOD SOMEONE HOLD ME we’re on the homeward stretch. Woohoo!

The 5 a.m. Meltdown

So it’s 5:30 in the morning. I’ve been awake since 3. WIDE awake since three. Currently I’m sitting here in the dark living room in front of the glow of my laptop sobbing all over myself.

I am just so tired. And I think your brain does funny things when you’re this exhausted. All the stresses that hide deep inside, those are the real monsters under your bed. They only come out when you’re most vulnerable – alone, in the dark, wide awake at some ungodly time of day.

Every single day I feel like the to do list just gets longer and I can’t keep up with it. When the baby gets here it’s just one more person depending on me to make it all work. I’ve learned a lot during this pregnancy, about myself, about my marriage, about my husband, about life. It’s been a very fast paced six months so far, and boy have I learned a lot.

Primarily about myself, I’m as typical Type A Personality as they come. In fact, they probably met me and then wrote the definition. I’m a high-strung busy body who does not know how (nor want) to ask for help, who can’t sit still, must always be completing a task and constantly worried/stressing about something. Anything. Whether it’s how to help my company continue growing or what we’re going to have for dinner. It’s constant. I truly don’t know how to shut my brain down.

I’m feeling the stress and reality of bringing this little baby home and not have a mother effing clue what to do with her or for her. Clearly I’m barely equipped to care for myself. And I mean that in the philosophical sense of am I really the right person to teach her right and wrong?; and I mean that in the sense of you know, some weeks, we just don’t have enough money, how will I get diapers or clothes or anything else she needs?

Our housing situation gives me ulcers. I’m probably getting a new one right now just thinking about it. One of the most common questions people ask a pregnant woman is “how’s the nursery coming along?” And my response is always “it’s not, we’ll get to it.” Meanwhile I want to cry and throw up at the same time. My Type A Personality would have had that room done in October, but my reality takes over and there is no room. I’m almost 30 years old, I’ve followed the “life checklist” to the letter, I’ve done all of it right, and yet I’m finally ready to bring my first child home and I don’t know where that is. (It’s REALLY hard to cry quietly as to not wake your spouse with a stopped up nose!) We’re renting, a house that will likely be put up for sell near our due date. We’d love to buy this house, who wouldn’t? It’s an amazing house. But we have no cash. IVF drained us. In fact, a fair chunk of it is sitting on the credit card that feels like we’ll never ever pay off. And we knew it would, we knew we’d walk in to that clinic with everything we had (and I mean that in more than just money), and my God did we get damn lucky. It’s truly overwhelming when I think about what we’ve done in the past eight months.

I know it will work out, it always does. But what if it doesn’t? What if this is the time our lucky breaks just don’t workout. I’ll have to decorate the front seat of the Xterra for the baby to sleep in… and I don’t know that the art I have is going to fit.

I worry my job and how I’m going to make that transition back after she’s here, and be able to give it as much commitment, dedication and heart as I have before. Likewise, give her all the same attention. I love my job for so many more reasons that I can even describe. It truly makes my heart ache to think I wouldn’t be able to give it all I’ve got. But I know I will. I’ve watched women for years balance home and work and do it with grace and no one misses a deadline or a hug and the world keeps spinning. But the question isn’t if THEY can do it, they question is if I can do it.

We start our third trimester next week and part of me really, really needs April to just get here so we can do this already. I’m impatient and I always need everything to happen more quickly that is. The other part of me really needs her to just hang out in there for like, a year. I need more time.

I’ve managed to not become an emotional sap pile during this pregnancy. Which is truly an accomplishment for me. Hormonal bitchy rages, that’s the way my pendulum is swinging. So all this rambling just means I clearly needed to detox some hormone stock pile. Shelton tells me every day not to stress, not to worry, to let him handle all of that. But how is that fair? It’s not. He handles stress so much differently than I do. Mine stews and steams inside like a pressure cooker until I’m standing at the Walgreens photo lab and my one-hour photos aren’t ready and I yell at the 60-year old photo lab clerk as if she’s responsible for the server not uploading my pictures. (True story. Sadly.) Shelton rolls with the punches and I throw them.

Deep down, I know we’re fine. I know we’ll be fine. There’s just so much unknown and uncertainty swimming around in my head that I can’t think. I clearly can’t sleep. I don’t deal well with unknown and uncertain. I need schedules, plans, organized thoughts and detailed task lists. It’s like oxygen. Right now I feel like we’re very low on our stock of oxygen and even my Sam’s Club membership can’t replenish it.

So now it’s six a.m. SIX! I get up at EIGHT every single day. I’ve now been awake for 3 hours. WHAT THE HELL!?!? Part of me is almost thankful for these sleepless nights I’ve been having and waking up at these ridiculous hours. Going to have to get used to it at some point, right?

When I get the chance, I’m going back to find the 13-year-old version of me and tell her to just chill out already. Take your time because man once that ball starts rolling it doesn’t stop and life is like a hormonal pregnancy lady sometimes and you can’t smack her, you just have to deal.

Dear God I need a drink.

Mama Got a Massage

Oh my word! I got an hour-long massage today and it was so good I almost cried. For Christmas I received two prenatal massages and I cashed in the first one this afternoon. (Meaning I’ve got another stellar rub down waiting for me!)

If you’ve been following at all you know that my back pain is probably the worst part of this pregnancy, and it just keeps getting worse. It’s agonizing, and has taught me that with all the furniture we have in this house, there is not one piece that is comfortable. In any position. At any time of day. Ever. At all.

Except my yoga ball, which Santa brought me. I sit on that thing all day and it relieves so much pressure in my back. (Plus, Tibet is scared to death of it so it’s kind of fun, in an evil way, to roll it at her!)

I explained all my aches and pains to my masseuse, a good friend too, and did she give every knot the attention it needed.

Last night was the most brutally sleepless night of my entire life. The Tylenol PM I took might as well have been a Skittle for all the value it added. I think I changed positions every 10 minutes the entire night. I’m hoping that I sleep very soundly tonight as I still savor my post-massage fog.

Pregnancy Week 24

Seriously, those weekly numbers might look like they’re getting bigger, but really they’re get smaller. SO MUCH SMALLER!!! Currently I’m in my 25th week and that means we’re 15 short weeks of meeting this little cutie. Someone hold me. And rub my gums with vodka… or cranberry juice… or both.

All kidding aside we’re both balls of nerves right now as we realize how close we are. We’re two weeks shy of the third trimester and I don’t feel any more prepared than I did two trimesters ago. Hold that thought, we have five pairs of newborn baby socks and a package of infant forks and spoons. I think we’re good! We’re so anxious to meet her and hold her and get this journey started with her, yet, I don’t think either of us has any idea what lies ahead of us. And I’m a super anal planner/organizer/etc. So my neurosis is kicking in as I try to wrap my brain around taking on the biggest event of both of our lives with little more than the knowledge that for girls you have to wipe front to back.

Week 24 was a very, very busy one. The beginning of the year is always an insane amount of work over there at my day job Tuesday’s Biggest Loser premiere meant I worked a 16 hour day (straight… I stopped for 30 minutes to eat dinner). No, that’s not my norm, and for good reason, I was an achy, crabby, sore, tired mush ball the next day. But sometimes it’s got to get done. The end of the week meant a house full of family and friends for our belated Christmas celebration. Four whole days of house guests, hosted meals and other shenanigans that was incredibly memorable, very fun and left me wiped out.

By Friday morning I woke up to find that I was spotting… again! I don’t even stress about this anymore. My nurse explained that it’s just the way my pregnancy is going. I’ve learned that it only happens when I’ve pushed too hard and my body is stressed and strained. It’s a literal red flag that I need to stop and/or slow down. And so I do. As much as I can. Because I’m a busy body and I’m incapable of letting the world pass by without me actively being a part of it. On Sunday we had a load of housework to do and the third of four hosted meals to prep for, and as I slowly shuffled around do this and doing that, Shelton basically told me to stop. He was amazing and stepped up to take care of the very long list I had in my head that day. I was a complete stress ball as I sat idly by watching and instructing, trying my hardest to just be still and relax. I did manage to have them “let me” snap green beans from the living room chair.

Other recent symptoms include the endless back pain. I got a huge yoga ball for Christmas and have converted this to a chair when necessary, and let me tell you, it’s a God send! It relieves so much pressure in my back, hips and even legs. Plus, I can get in a little exercise while I hang out on here, too! I still have bloody noses. Not sure if I mentioned this previously. I’ve been waking up with these for about a month now. Doc said it’s normal w/ pregnancy, not to mention the dry, cold winter air. We’ve cranked the humidifier in the house and I’m otherwise dealing. This is odd but I’ve also noticed that my fingers get pruney very quickly in the shower. As in, by the time I finish washing my hair (usually my first bathing task) my fingers are wrinkled. Not sure what that’s about.

Every few weeks I’ll look down or walk past a mirror and go “whoa! that belly is big!”, and this week was one of those. I swear it just happens over night. I look down the other day and this belly is bigger, rounder and firmer. I think the firmness is coming from the baby mostly, just the way she positions herself and moves I got these “walls” under my skin that can be somewhat uncomfortable. She found my bladder and has no qualms kicking it. It’s almost like that funny bone sensation in that it’s kind of indescribable and hurts but not really. It’s strange, and it makes me pee more!

Other than that everything is hunky dory and normal.