Niece Ellie

August 28th, 2009

I finally got to meet my new niece Eleanor. I’m pretty sure I’m the only person who calls her Eleanor. Everyone else calls her Ellie. She’ll be six weeks tomorrow and I’ve been dying to get that little munchkin in my arms – and that’s precisely where she sat for the past five days.


People, she is perfect in every way. She is positively gorgeous. Yes, I’m bias, a little bit. She has a gorgeous tan complexion that I will never have. Nor will my children who are bound to be transparent based on what Shelton and I have to offer for pigment. She has perfect, beautiful, stunning eyes and they are crowned by the most amazing set of eyelashes I have ever seen. I drooled over them all week. They kind of swoop up on the outside corners making her look a little like a vixen cartoon character.

She coos, grunts, whines, moves, wiggles and jerks constantly. CONSTANT! Thus her nickname fidget.

Tonight she was taken away from me. I miss her already, even though I’ll see her in two short weeks. She’ll be six years old by then.

I am so grateful that my sister Jenna took the time to travel alone with a newborn so that I could see the baby. It was fun watching my baby sister as a new mom and see how naturally she’s fallen in to the role.

It was equally bizarre to be receiving pregnancy advice from someone I used to tell was adopted and would pretend to be running away from home in front of just to make her cry. Yes, I was that older sister.

This “Aunt Brandi” gig just keeps getting sweeter!

Also, a nugget of a conversation Jenna and I had the other night re: the possibility of me having twins:

Brandi: I see your baby and raise you one.

Jenna: I fold.